Never has it been more apparent to me that what matters most in life is not how much you earn, how big your house is, how many vacations you take, what you drive or how many of the latest gadgets you own.
This is not news to me, or to most of you, but sometimes money (or indeed the lack of it) has a way of drawing much more of your focus & energy than you would like it to. I have been in both situations - having lots of money, and NOT having lots of money. But one thing I have learned, and been shown repeatedly, is that no matter what your current financial circumstances are, you can live a wonderful, fulfilling, enlightening, joyful life. And never have I been more grateful or conscious of my numerous blessings than I am this year.
This year represents many things to me. A turning point of sorts in lots of ways. A desire, determination and drive to finally pursue things that have, until now, simply been vague dreams. Perhaps, though, the most surprising and rewarding aspect has been discovering an undeniable passion for something I would previously have never even dreamed of considering doing.
Being open to new things and being willing to let yourself be "led" into some unfamiliar areas can unlock whole new worlds of opportunities. These new endeavors I am now undertaking are, at times, yanking me so far out of my comfort zones that it truly can be dizzying, but I can honestly say that I am having the time of my life.
What else has amazed me this year, and continues to astound me in delightful ways, is how awesome people can be. People you barely know. People who, for whatever reason, decide to give a little of themselves, in ways that may appear insignificant to an outsider's eye but, to those of us on the receiving end of such small acts of kindness, they have a substantial and lasting impact. And yes, I am talking to you, Twitterers.
Here's the thing, it is so easy to be nasty, to attack, to insult, to criticize on Twitter, but, for the most part, what I see instead are numerous instances of people being incredibly nice to each other -- encouraging words, promotion of each other's endeavors/projects, a supportive high-five here and there, someone telling you that you're fabulous just when you needed a little pick-me-up; people willing to offer their insights and advice; virtual strangers taking time to make you laugh, or even kick you up the ass when you need it (done in the nicest way, of course).
So, to all of you who have ever shown ME such kindnesses, THANK YOU! And keep doing what you're doing Tweeplets... keep being good to each other....Y'all are awesome :)
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
My latest Twitter survey got rather a poor response. I blame my followers, of course. They have become lackadaisical. I don't think they understand how HARD I WORK to try to keep them entertained. And it's not like I get paid for this shi treasure trove of wit, humor and good will that I freely bestow. Ingrates, the lot of 'em. Well, not ALL of them....
Here are the five stunningly intelligent and thought-provoking questions. A little later I will post (in the comments) the responses from my three superstar followers who stand out from amongst the bed of sloths. In the meantime, feel free to add your own responses in the comment section below. And no, you don't have to answer all five. Four will be fine; three's adequate. Two, you're taking the piss. One would be an insult.
1. What's the furthest you have ever driven? (What city to what city?)
2. What is the stupidest self-inflicted injury you have ever incurred? (Shutting own fingers in car door, etc., etc.)
3. If you could dine in any city in the world, which would you choose?
4. What's the greatest number of times you have listened to one song on repeat? Which song was it?
5. If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? (Be creative now!)
Here are the five stunningly intelligent and thought-provoking questions. A little later I will post (in the comments) the responses from my three superstar followers who stand out from amongst the bed of sloths. In the meantime, feel free to add your own responses in the comment section below. And no, you don't have to answer all five. Four will be fine; three's adequate. Two, you're taking the piss. One would be an insult.
1. What's the furthest you have ever driven? (What city to what city?)
2. What is the stupidest self-inflicted injury you have ever incurred? (Shutting own fingers in car door, etc., etc.)
3. If you could dine in any city in the world, which would you choose?
4. What's the greatest number of times you have listened to one song on repeat? Which song was it?
5. If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? (Be creative now!)
I just posted on Twitter that I want to return to talking to people -- I mean ACTUALLY talking with them. With voices - either in person, or on the phone. Because while I love all this tweeting and emailing, it has a distinct downside: it stays around to haunt and taunt you.
Yes, I know, I've always quite LIKED the fact that written communication can be archived - and, in some cases, even searched at a later date, which can certainly lead to a spot of enjoyable and humorous reminiscing - but ultimately I think the negatives outweigh this positive. Hear me out....
In a normal, spoken conversation, there are often awkward moments where one of the parties involved says something without thinking - BLURT; out it comes. There's typically a brief period of obvious discomfort but after the initial embarrassment, conversation resumes and, unless you just told the other person their mother is a whore (or something similarly unforgettable), you can be fairly sure no-one will remember two weeks later, or even two hours later, what exactly was said.
NOT SO with tweets and emails. The other person can revisit your faux pas / momentary lapse of judgment / uninhibited nonsense as many times as they choose. And each time they read it, it serves to help them form an opinion of you. This means that if you're anything like me, and you happen to be a tad too eager with your typing fingers and rather hasty with that "send" button, then you are going to develop quite a reputation in a relatively short time.
So let me ask you this... Do you think that your tweets and emails are an accurate representation of who you are as a person?
A very smart man (who I actually "know" only through Twitter) recently was "talking" (tweeting) with me about how English IS a tonal language and he is 100% correct. So much of our communication is transmitted in HOW we say things - we rely on the tone of voice and, in many instances, also body language, to convey the true meaning of what is being said. You take away those aspects from a conversation and you are left with a woefully incomplete and often very inaccurate picture of the intent of an individual's words.
There are other reasons why written conversations are less than desirable, plus one or two reasons why they are, in their own way, GREAT, but I am too tired to continue now, so I will end here. I am quite sure I shall continue tweeting and emailing, albeit rather more carefully, with perhaps more thought given before I hit that "send" button.
Yes, I know, I've always quite LIKED the fact that written communication can be archived - and, in some cases, even searched at a later date, which can certainly lead to a spot of enjoyable and humorous reminiscing - but ultimately I think the negatives outweigh this positive. Hear me out....
In a normal, spoken conversation, there are often awkward moments where one of the parties involved says something without thinking - BLURT; out it comes. There's typically a brief period of obvious discomfort but after the initial embarrassment, conversation resumes and, unless you just told the other person their mother is a whore (or something similarly unforgettable), you can be fairly sure no-one will remember two weeks later, or even two hours later, what exactly was said.
NOT SO with tweets and emails. The other person can revisit your faux pas / momentary lapse of judgment / uninhibited nonsense as many times as they choose. And each time they read it, it serves to help them form an opinion of you. This means that if you're anything like me, and you happen to be a tad too eager with your typing fingers and rather hasty with that "send" button, then you are going to develop quite a reputation in a relatively short time.
So let me ask you this... Do you think that your tweets and emails are an accurate representation of who you are as a person?
A very smart man (who I actually "know" only through Twitter) recently was "talking" (tweeting) with me about how English IS a tonal language and he is 100% correct. So much of our communication is transmitted in HOW we say things - we rely on the tone of voice and, in many instances, also body language, to convey the true meaning of what is being said. You take away those aspects from a conversation and you are left with a woefully incomplete and often very inaccurate picture of the intent of an individual's words.
There are other reasons why written conversations are less than desirable, plus one or two reasons why they are, in their own way, GREAT, but I am too tired to continue now, so I will end here. I am quite sure I shall continue tweeting and emailing, albeit rather more carefully, with perhaps more thought given before I hit that "send" button.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Epiphanies & Clichés
Nothing earth-shattering.... Just a smattering of random thoughts from my brain this week:
I can be totally awesome.
I can be a total f***ing idiot.
Comfort zones can be oh so difficult to leave, but the reward of breaking out of them is worth every cut, scrape, bruise & stumble along the way.
Ask sincerely, listen intently, learn willingly, then act promptly. Knowledge should translate into ACTION!
No-one could ever come close to being as hard on me as I am on myself.
People are FASCINATING. (Some more than others, admittedly.)
Two of the greatest things you can possess are self-confidence and self-respect.
DO THEM NOW! (Those things that keep getting put off until "the time is right")
Empathy is a great attribute, but it can take a personal toll on you.
Kindness is NEVER wasted.
The danger of letting someone see/know your weaknesses is that they will then possess all the ammunition required to hurt you the most.
Trust pretty much trumps everything in my book.
We all need people in our lives who challenge us.
We all need people in our lives who will play and laugh with us.
One person REALLY CAN make a difference.
Friends can be an excellent source of guidance & support, but ultimately you must be willing to step out and do things on your own.
And finally, as the song says... When you get the choice to sit it out or dance... I hope you dance....
Like I said, nothing earth-shattering... just me mumbling and musing my way through life...
Monday, July 4, 2011
As some of you are aware, I have a list of people (in the right hand column of this blog) who I would love to interview. Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to move one of those names into the "People I have LOVED interviewing" list, thanks to the most talented and incredibly gracious actress Shoshannah Stern. Here is the interview, in its entirety:
What made you decide to join Twitter? What do you hope your interaction on Twitter will achieve?
A friend of mine told me I should try it out. I was skeptical at first but I think it's an amazing resource. It makes it so easy to share information. It's a great way to let people know what I'm up to. The PSA for DeafHope exemplifies that, along with the warm welcome I got when I joined Lie to Me. I hope it becomes an expansion of what I try to do with my life, which is to educate and learn as much as I possibly can.
Do you feel social media has the power to educate a large number of people; to change people’s attitudes and perceptions? Or is it too superficial and fleeting to have a lasting impact? (I can honestly say, however, that you have done, and continue to do, much to educate ME about the Deaf Community via Twitter and I sincerely appreciate this.)
I can only hope that it does. I believe anybody can change, but only if they want to. In order to shift perceptions, the people behind them have to first recognize that they may be skewed. I've seen firsthand that this is often a very difficult thing for people to do. I don't ever want to shove things down people's throats. I don't think that's the way to do things. A lot of people use social media to talk about how bored they are, and that's fine, too. It's there to use the way people wish, for better or for worse.
How did you become involved in doing the PSA for DeafHope?
The recent CEO of DeafHope, Julie Rems-Smario, who has recently left for another position, was a former teacher of mine. We remained in touch and she asked me to come to the very first fundraiser for their organization, called Glimmer of Hope, almost ten years ago. I thought the organization was amazing and I told her that she could count on me for anything she'd need me to do for them in the future. I was thrilled when she took me up on that. I flew out to give a keynote speech at a banquet and do an autograph session, then I did a couple of performances of The Vagina Monologues for them with a mix of professional actors and women from the community, which was another amazing experience. I was going to be in Northern California , where they were based, for the NAD Gala welcoming the new CEO, Howard Rosenblum, so I asked if there was anything I could do for them while I was there, and we came up with the PSA.
What charities are near and dear to your heart?
DeafHope, definitely. I've also done things for NAD, the National Association of the Deaf, which I just mentioned, and just appeared at a fundraiser for GLAD, Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness, which my friend Ken Paves hosted. I also donate to the Humane Society and the ASPCA and I'm always signing petitions on, mostly in regards to the environment and animals. I also just did something for VH1 Save the Music in association with a movie I did, Adventures of Power.
You sign in ASL… Do you also sign in any foreign languages, or International Sign Language?
I dabble. My sister lives in London , and she's fluent in British Sign Language. Every time I go over there, I relearn it and improve, then when I get back, I stop using it so I promptly forget. I worked in Rome one summer when I was in college, so I picked up some Italian Sign Language, which I have also forgotten. I think I might be better at International Sign Language which is what I tend to fall back on when I'm abroad.
Have you ever had an embarrassing signing/interpreting misunderstanding?
Oh, yeah. There are a lot of really amazing interpreters out there but there are also some really bad ones. There have been times where I've done press and then when the articles came out, I've just done a complete double take. That's probably why I try to do most interviews through email so I can have some control over my words. American Sign Language and English are completely different languages with distinct structures, so it's not the easiest thing. The person interpreting for you has to know you and capture your voice, so if I have to do press, I have to make sure it's with an interpreter I know and trust.
I believe you have previously said you are fourth generation deaf in your family. Is this from your paternal or maternal side of the family, or both?
Fourth on my paternal side and third on my maternal side.
You seem to have been raised in an extremely loving home. You speak very fondly of your family. You have also said your sister has always been an inspiration to you. How integral has your family’s support been to your success as an actress?
It has everything to do with it. My family made me who I am as a person, in a thousand different myriad ways. The biggest thing has to be the direct communication I got from the moment I was born, but a lot has to do with me just being able to discover my personality and who I wanted to be. I've never really thought of myself as deaf first, just myself first, and I've tried to make my acting career an extension of that. Books were also a huge deal in my house, and that gave me gateways to imagination and other worlds that I could explore, and that had a huge impact on me as a well.
What has been your most challenging acting role to date?
Sarah in Children of a Lesser God, onstage at Deaf West. I had to change the way I did everything, from the way I signed to the way I mouthed words, to the way I stood and how I held myself, even the way I spoke. I would go home after the show and not be able to sleep because of how emotional I would be after a show.
What has been your most fun role?
I always try to have fun in everything that I do, but Jericho was amazing. I got to get shot at, shoot guns, ride horses, drive pickup trucks and not be surprised if I needed to park next to tanks and helicopters when I went to work.
If you could work with any director in the industry right now, who would you choose and why?
Ang Lee, I think. Hard choice, but I love his use of silence.
Primarily because I know so many Lie To Me fans will want to know… what was it like working with Tim Roth?
It was crazy. When I was twelve years old I had to work on a project called a Memory Book, where I had to visualize where I would be as an adult. In it, I said that I would be an actor and I would work with Tim Roth. Because of that, it was very hard not to get ahead of myself when I met him. I had to tell myself to be careful not to project whatever image I had of him on who he really was going to be as a person, but he turned out to be this amazingly warm, gentle, funny soul. It was just amazing working with him. I don't know any other way to describe it.
Do you recall a favorite contribution you made to the blooper reel in any of your roles?
There have been a few! I think the two that stand out was when I fell down a spiral staircase shooting a film. I hit every step on the way down. Another one was on Lie to Me shooting a scene with Tim. Simply put, he walked in, didn't like the entrance, said a favorite word of his, then walked out. I decided to translate it.
As a Deaf actress, what frustrates you most about
I think it's the same thing that frustrates me with people in general, kind of like what I said about social media. They often aren't willing to recognize that their own personal perspective may not be authentic. Either that, or they don't care because they know they can get away with having their perspective being the way it is.
What helps you stay positive & keep things in perspective in the often-brutal world of being an actor?
I think back on people who I've met along the way who do get it and have urged me to stay the course. I remind myself that if these people exist, there are going to be more of them out there. It's just one foot in front of the other. On bad days, maybe it's going to be a very slow trudge, but sooner than later, an awesome day is going to come along where you're going to be skipping. You just have to take the trudges to get to the skips.
Can you tell me about any upcoming projects you have in the works?
I have a movie coming out in theaters this fall called Hamill. It's a biopic based on the life of Matt Hamill, who is currently an UFC fighter. He was one of the first, maybe the only, deaf person to ever win a national championship, which he did as a wrestler in college. I play Kristi, who serves as his love interest in the film, and who Matt eventually married in real life and had a daughter with. I'm also attached to a short film that should start shooting next month. Besides that, I wrote my first script this year. I'm starting to shop it around a bit, and hopefully when it's ready it'll turn into something tangible.
And finally, some totally random questions:
Did you ever get a favorite toy as a child that made you so happy that you can still perfectly picture in your mind the moment you received/opened it?
Did you ever get a favorite toy as a child that made you so happy that you can still perfectly picture in your mind the moment you received/opened it?
Yes. Dolly Bear, my first teddy bear. She was worn out by the time I was twelve, so she was retired. Her successor's name is Leopold. I still have him.
When was the last time you flew a kite and who were you with?
I think it had to be the kite festival in Fremont when I was in middle school with my family. I just read about it a few years ago in The Kite Runner, which is partially based in my hometown.
What’s the craziest piece of clothing you have ever worn in public?
I used to walk around in a pair of white furry boots and think I was very cool.
Who can make you laugh, no matter how bad of a mood you may be in?
My sister.
Do you keep a journal? Do you have any journals / diaries / letters from your ancestors? How important do you think it is for people to learn about their heritage?
Not anymore, but I used to. Acting, writing, and my art are my journals now, so to say. I keep almost all of my letters. I think heritage is an essential thing. My mother is flying to Vienna with my father to visit her mother's hometown for the first time in a couple of days, and I can't wait to hear about it.
What place brings back wonderful memories of your childhood? (Could be a vacation spot; a neighborhood hangout; etc.)
It's not really a place, but people, smells, and things. I left my hometown almost twelve years ago and have only been back a couple times since then. I think memories stay with the people, not with the environment.
Were you rather a tomboy growing up or were you a "girly-girl"?
A little bit of both. I always loved dolls and frilly dresses, but I also loved soccer and swimming and running around and getting as dirty as possible.
What other jobs have you had? Or has acting always been your sole focus?
I was a teacher. I still am. I've taught everything from kindergarten to college. Right now I still teach at a local university, but acting is where my passion is.
Any pet peeves?
Like I said, [people’s] resistance to learning.
Like I said, [people’s] resistance to learning.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are your dancing skills?
Depends on how you judge it. I prefer to dance on the silly side. I don't think dancing is something that should be taken seriously.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are your driving skills?
Depends on who you ask.
Name three things that are within arms reach of you right now…
My water bottle, my camera, and my appointment book.
If you were to describe your temperament in three words, what would they be?
I hate talking about myself so I asked my friend Jimmy. He said, "Entertaining, loving, and kind."
Is/was there a particular teacher or mentor who helped make you the person you are today? Do they know how influential they are/were in your life?
There have been many. I always try to tell people as a general rule how much they mean to me, so I hope they know.
Lots of new things in the works for many of my fave tweeps, so I thought I'd give a quick run-down of what some of them are/have been working on:
@michaelchiklis and @bobbyp are playing #MCB's "Til I Come Home" with the Boston Pops at the July 4th Celebration this evening and Chik is also hosting!!!
@alexandercary is writing for Homeland, a new show set to premiere on Showtime this fall:
@dansackheim and @sidside123 are getting ready to start filming The Finder - set to air on FOX in the fall:
Last I heard, @davidgrazianotv is working on Terra Nova - due to premiere on FOX this September:
Chicago Homicide Detective @johnfolinojr has continued his moonlighting as a Police Technical Consultant (formerly for The Chicago Code) by joining the team of Powers - a new series premiering on FX. Filming starts this month in Chicago.
@NeilJackson1 just finished shooting a film for SyFy: Vampyre Nation (aka Blood Thirst).
@SBookstaver was recently working on The Protector, which is now airing on Lifetime:
There are those bad surprises.... like staggering bleary-eyed to the bathroom in the middle of the night, falling onto the toilet, staring blankly at the wall to your left, only to find a giant-ass I'm-gonna-eat-you-alive spider staring back at you.
But there are also those good surprises that cause you to gasp, then smile, then dance a little.... like having someone you admire tell you they would be happy to do an interview with you.
Yes, life continues to surprise the crap outta me, and I am loving every minute of it!
But there are also those good surprises that cause you to gasp, then smile, then dance a little.... like having someone you admire tell you they would be happy to do an interview with you.
Yes, life continues to surprise the crap outta me, and I am loving every minute of it!
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Dear followers, I would love to know more about you. Here are another 8 questions for you. Please answer here in the comment section or simply tweet me your answers. Thanks!
1. What is your favorite restaurant in your hometown?
2. Name one song that brings back great memories for you from your younger years.
3. What is the fastest you have ever driven?
4. When was the last time you wrote a thank you note to someone?
5. What is your proudest moment of your career so far?
6. How many hours of TV do you watch each week?
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
8. What's your favorite way to relax?
1. What is your favorite restaurant in your hometown?
2. Name one song that brings back great memories for you from your younger years.
3. What is the fastest you have ever driven?
4. When was the last time you wrote a thank you note to someone?
5. What is your proudest moment of your career so far?
6. How many hours of TV do you watch each week?
7. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
8. What's your favorite way to relax?
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
1. Did you yell at anyone yesterday?
2. When was the last time you flew a kite? Who were you with?
3. Could the amount of loose change in your vehicle buy: a) Something from the $1 value menu b) Four hotdogs and a coke or c) A new dining table
4. Have you ever been transported in a police vehicle? If yes, pls give brief explanation
5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how good are your dancing skills?
6. Are you working in your dream job/career? If no, what would you like to be doing?
7. Is/was there a particular teacher/mentor who helped make you the person you are today? Do they know how influential they are/were in your life?
8. Do you volunteer in your community?
Please answer in the comment section here, or on Twitter - whichever you prefer.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Many of your visited my blog this past week yet only a handful of you voted on the poll. This piqued my curiosity and I found myself pondering what may have prevented you from participating. I mean, here was a chance for you to actually move from passive observer to active participant – able to wield powerful influence with a click of your mouse or a tap on your iDevice. I was placing control firmly in your hands - you were no longer subject to my whims and self-indulgences but rather had an opportunity to force me to obey yours.
Was it this prospect that ultimately scared you away from voting? Were you uncomfortable with the responsibility that could so easily become yours? Did you agonize over the choices, cursor hovering expectantly, only to allow doubt and anxiety to creep in as you contemplated the level of guilt you might experience if, in asking me to reveal secrets about myself, I might unleash upon you a litany of terrible atrocities I’d previously committed?
Or was it the thought of enduring a sleepless night if it was YOUR ONE VOTE that pushed “cat pictures” into the lead just as the poll closed?
Whatever the reason, I’m curious to know. I’m giving you the floor. The remainder of the time is yours.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
OK, this is IT. Can you make the final cut? Will you be one of the few Twitter-friends who will comprise the talented pool of individuals creating our rendition of "On The Turning Away"?
SINGERS: This is the crucial last round for you. Here is the qualifying question:
Can you come in at the right time after the instrumental break? You MUST be able to do it FIRST TIME, no rehearsal.
MUSICIANS: Here is your final round of questions. Let's see if you have what it takes:
1. Do you own a private jet?
2. Are you willing to donate $250000 to this project?
Well, how did you do?! Let me know!
SINGERS: This is the crucial last round for you. Here is the qualifying question:
Can you come in at the right time after the instrumental break? You MUST be able to do it FIRST TIME, no rehearsal.
MUSICIANS: Here is your final round of questions. Let's see if you have what it takes:
1. Do you own a private jet?
2. Are you willing to donate $250000 to this project?
Well, how did you do?! Let me know!
Sunday, April 24, 2011
I’m sure, like me, you have been eagerly awaiting the first reviews of my Hashtags & Musings blog. Well, the wait is over!! Here they are:
“I haven’t been this disinterested in anything for a very long time. Bravo!” ~ Hollyweird Reporter
“Little or no attention should be paid to the crazed ramblings of a disturbed mind. This woman clearly needs professional help.” ~ Psychiatric Times
“If this were MY blog, I certainly wouldn’t want my name attached to it” ~ O No! Magazine
“The part I enjoyed most was closing my browser” ~ TV Guidance
“If banality was her goal, then she deserves hearty congratulations” ~ Bitchiness Monthly
“It showed promise at the start but the subsequent decline in viewership leads us to believe it won’t be around for much longer.” ~ Network News Magazine
“I think her time could be spent better elsewhere” ~ Personal Productivity
“I LOVE IT!! One of the funniest blogs I have ever read. Keep up the excellent work” ~ BAR magazine (visit us at
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I hope many of you managed to make it through the first round of auditions for the upcoming history-making Twitter musical event. If you did make it, don't gloat for too long - things get tougher from here on out.
And so, without further ado, here is the second round of auditions for the Twitter rendition of Pink Floyd's "On The Turning Away":
In order to continue on to the next round, you must:
1. Be able to play an instrument or sing (Bagpipes, recorder, or triangle do not qualify - regardless of any passionate proclamations of proficiency)
2. Not have an enormous ego
3. Own a cat (Ok, I lied about this one. You don't need to have a cat. But preference will be given to those who own a cat. Just sayin')
![]() |
Music is a big part of the Clanger lifestyle |
In order to continue on to the next round, you must:
1. Be able to play an instrument or sing (Bagpipes, recorder, or triangle do not qualify - regardless of any passionate proclamations of proficiency)
2. Not have an enormous ego
3. Own a cat (Ok, I lied about this one. You don't need to have a cat. But preference will be given to those who own a cat. Just sayin')
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Most, if not all of you, do not know all that has been happening in my life over the past 12 months. I'm not ready to discuss it - perhaps never will be - and I'm not sure you would have any interest beyond simple curiosity anyway. But that's not the point. I'm not here to seek sympathy; I am here to say THANK YOU! Because although you are all virtual strangers, many of you have, unbeknownst to you, given me the opportunity (through Twitter) to reap the stress-reducing benefits of raucous laughter induced by your tweets. Some of you have also displayed an unusual amount of kindness that has, on more than one occasion, made me seriously ponder what on earth I could have ever done to deserve such great "friends".
Don't panic, I realize that friendship is not quite the correct description for our relationships, but I have yet to find a term that defines it more appropriately. "Acquaintance" seems too cold; "associate" too business-like.
I could go on for 17 paragraphs but I vowed to myself to keep this post short and sweet, and so I shall end by simply saying YOU ROCK, and, in a very non-creepy way, I love (as much as you can love someone you barely know) each and every one of you.
Me. x
AA Bottom #OppositeRockBands
.@DanSackheim There's nothing like Twitter to help boost self-esteem. At least that's what my therapist keeps insisting.
I may start attaching version numbers 2 my tweets so u'll hve a better idea of the mental anguish I go thru just 2 try 2 entertain U. (v1.7)
♪ I'd catch a parade for ya, throw my hand on some Glade for ya, jump in a puddle of rain for ya... #thingsiddoforyou ♪
@gibsonguitar "Nashville shows Hollywood the right way to remake a classic" (in response to a competition to come up with a 10 word or less description of the new Les Paul replica)
Remake everything #HollywoodPostItNote
"Sorry you didn't get retweeted today" #newHallmarkcards
PET TIPS: Never place your tortoise perpendicular to the wall. Also, during training, tortoises will respond best to a calm but strict voice
@OrangeyRoughy @hallmarkpr "Sorry your violent torpedo of truth was a dud" #topicalcards
#thingsyoullneverhearonTwitter : I wish Clangerfan1 would tweet more often.
Plane crashes on Island with lots of make-up, pretty people roughed up, MONSTER, JACOB, sexual tension, WTF, hatch, NO!, yes #LOSTINONETWEET
Was in a lrg grp of ppl tonite - spoke directly @ 1 of them & they REPLIED! Nearly passed out from shock. #mayhavebeenonTwittertoomuchlately
OK, decided to turn all my lights out for #earthhour. Fell over the cat, hurt myself very badly, having to be airlifted to nearest hospital.
#iseewhyyoumad ... because you are unable to string five words together into a grammatically correct sentence?
Twitter is to logic as elephants are to Venus.
Can life imitate Twitr? 2moro I'll print out my tweets, read them aloud as I walk thru town &see if I can get 168 ppl to fllw me. #piedpiper
#100factsaboutme FACT 38: I make beautiful mosaic pictures of celebrities out of crumbled bacon.
Fllwing the success of my 1st book "10 best ways 2 teach ur cat yoga", I'm working on my next: "10 best ways 2 teach ur tortoise to kickbox"
Un#ff Unfollow anyone who fails to use the word "spleen" in any of their tweets today. #randomdiscrimination
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
ATTENTION MUSIC LOVERS! Sometimes weird but oddly awesome ideas pop into my head – like how cool it would be to perform a rousing Twitter-friends rendition of Pink Floyd’s “On the Turning Away”. #stickwithmehere
I can picture in my mind how brilliant it could be. I have grandiose plans. And I am just crazy enough to think they might actually work. Won’t you join me in this insane endeavor? Details will be revealed as we go along. COME ON! COME PLAY WITH ME!!
Oh, wait, you DO have to audition first:
You will get through this round only if you:
- Have heard of Pink Floyd
- Love their song, “On The Turning Away”
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
If you will be coming here solely for laughs, you will be disappointed. While I shall indeed attempt to entertain you with humo(u)r at various times on here, please do not be shocked if you find the following types of posts in the upcoming weeks/months:
My love of photography, music & other creative things
Indignant rants about humanity
My not-so-humble opinions about TV shows/acting/writing/producing/directing
My love/hate relationship with Twitter (possibly including references to people who are ON twitter)
Sarcastic passive aggressive musings
Vague and disjointed thoughts & ideas
Heartfelt monologues
Crazy competitions with or without silly prizes
Prolific re-use of material previously tweeted by me
Shameless promotion of other people's things that I like
Oh, and I also enjoy polls. Be prepared for some more of those in the not-too-distant future.
I heartily encourage comments and will block any of you who refuse to leave them on a regular basis. (I'm kidding, of course) #orami?
Please be advised there is NO GUARANTEE, either stated or implied, that you will find this blog even remotely entertaining. Reader assumes all responsibility for any feelings of annoyance, outrage, bitterness or self-loathing that may result from reading my posts. In the highly unlikely event you should die laughing while on my blog, I shall be released from any or all culpability and your family will have no grounds upon which to seek any form of compensation.
My love of photography, music & other creative things
Indignant rants about humanity
My not-so-humble opinions about TV shows/acting/writing/producing/directing
My love/hate relationship with Twitter (possibly including references to people who are ON twitter)
Sarcastic passive aggressive musings
Vague and disjointed thoughts & ideas
Heartfelt monologues
Crazy competitions with or without silly prizes
Prolific re-use of material previously tweeted by me
Shameless promotion of other people's things that I like
Oh, and I also enjoy polls. Be prepared for some more of those in the not-too-distant future.
I heartily encourage comments and will block any of you who refuse to leave them on a regular basis. (I'm kidding, of course) #orami?
Please be advised there is NO GUARANTEE, either stated or implied, that you will find this blog even remotely entertaining. Reader assumes all responsibility for any feelings of annoyance, outrage, bitterness or self-loathing that may result from reading my posts. In the highly unlikely event you should die laughing while on my blog, I shall be released from any or all culpability and your family will have no grounds upon which to seek any form of compensation.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thank you to all of you who took part in my two polls. You are my reason for living. Well, you are at least my reason for continuing with this blog. #andforthatiamgrateful
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